Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yes, I'm Still Around

Hey I'm back. Well, kind of. I don't really have any intention of blogging as often as I once did, but I noticed that someone has been checking in to see if anything has been added to this site. So for that person and anyone else who happens to stumble through here, here's what you have to look forward to. Mainly, I want to get back into the habit of posting videos on a regular basis. I still have a lot of interview footage that no one has seen except me. There are some really compelling stories and they may serve to bring more attention to Faith Alive and even the whole HIV epidemic in Africa.

I got a little burned out before, essentially working on Faith Alive videos for 5-6 months after my trip, on top of the 40 hours I put in at work each week. It's sad because I really enjoyed the making them. That's a topic for another day.

So, that's it. A short update. Please leave comments if you have any specific things you want to know about.

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