Friday, February 15, 2008

Recapping...part uno

Ahhh....Uno. Russ, Kay and Kj introduced us to Killer Uno, a variation that has a lot more rules and tricks. There was a handful of us who really got into it and started staying up late to play. I only mention that cause I used "uno" in the title. It triggered a thought, so I ran with it. I want to start giving more detail about what we did while in Jos, so I figure I'll just start around where I left off...with taking lunch to the village.

When the idea came up the night after we'd visited, everyone was excited, though only George, Russ, Dr. Chris and I had been there with Amos that day. I was nervous though, just because I was afraid there may be a negative reaction to a dozen white folks showing up with a hand out. And as foolish as this seems now, I actually thought "what if we show up and they've already eaten?" I was wrong. When we were there the first time, we were just going to look at the farm land that a village member had donated to Faith Alive. Their immediate plan is to subdivide it and allow patients from the support group to grow crops. It's a large piece of land and should be able to support a good amount of growing. A couple of the village men accompanied us on the walk out to the land, and when we got back to the village (really just a church, one house and 2 small buildings for storing grains) more of the villagers had come out to greet us. A few of the men were playing mancala, and they tried to explain it to me, though I couldn't follow the action. And then there was a woman working over a large pot over a fire like you'd associate with a witch's caldron. Dr. Chris said that it was an alcoholic looked like some sort of porridge. There were a handful of kids there, probably 8-10. So when Amos was giving me and Russ a ride home and stopped to buy some knit hats for the kids, I was surprised that he got 25. But as it would turn out, 25 was just barely enough...

This is long enough for right now. I'll finish it up tonight or tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I have a mancala game board thing at home in CA ... I should bring it here next time i go home. Its a fun game and I almost remember the rules!