Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Put it on my visa...

My visa finally came yesterday! I've never applied for a visa before, but it really seems like it's a way for the country your visiting to get a sort of "entry tax." It seemed like much more of a formality than a screening process. With that said, I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of the Nigerian consulate and they may have done a background search on me for all I know. But I think it's much more probable that they just wanted my money.

And that brings me to some exciting news. I spoke to Russ on the phone today and he says that by his latest count we've actually raised $9,000 more than we needed for our trip! That means that the 7 or 8 (I keep forgetting how many) of us have raised around $14,000!!!! I take no credit in this and I applaud those of you who made a donation of any amount! It is truly a blessing for Faith Alive and for our little group. Just so you know, all of that excess money is going to Faith Alive. And that is in addition to the half-million dollars in medication we're delivering!

I knew that this trip would have a lasting impact on those of us who are going, but I never imagined how much more our trip could give just by us showing up!

Thanks for reading! I'll be posting more and more as the trip closes in, and maybe even while I'm in Jos. Next time, I'll reveal what I'm looking forward to in London....

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